Every October, the grounds of Casa Loma are transformed into an immersive theatrical experience, Legends of Horror. Done in the presentational form considered “promenade theatre”, in which the audience walks at their own pace through a 2 km trail commencing in the lower gardens of Casa Loma and winding its way through the castles tunnels and darkest spaces never before open to the public.

Throughout the over 1 hour experience, the audience is immersed in a variety of theatrically designed sets in gardens and chambers below the castle. Each of these introducing characters in the environmental theatre, in which the physical location, rather than being a traditional playhouse, creates the actual setting. The traditional set change does not exist but is created by having the audience move on to the next scene. A crescendo of the production is the 3D projection on the exterior of the castle which brings the characters of the storyline and the walls of the castle to life.

More information at www.legendsofhorror.ca
Legends of Horror is not included with Casa Loma admission.


Every October, the grounds of Casa Loma are transformed into an immersive theatrical experience, Legends of Horror. Done in the presentational form considered “promenade theatre”, in which the audience walks at their own pace through a 2 km trail commencing in the lower gardens of Casa Loma and winding its way through the castles tunnels and darkest spaces never before open to the public.

Throughout the over 1 hour experience, the audience is immersed in a variety of theatrically designed sets in gardens and chambers below the castle. Each of these introducing characters in the environmental theatre, in which the physical location, rather than being a traditional playhouse, creates the actual setting. The traditional set change does not exist but is created by having the audience move on to the next scene. A crescendo of the production is the 3D projection on the exterior of the castle which brings the characters of the storyline and the walls of the castle to life.

More information at www.legendsofhorror.ca
Legends of Horror is not included with Casa Loma admission.

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