Casa Loma’s Holiday Light Tour

December 3rd, 2020 – January 3rd, 2021 (including Christmas Day, December 25th)

Opens at 4pm Daily

This December experience the magic of the season at Casa Loma’s spectacular Holiday Light Tour. Wander through a dazzling lighting display in the gardens and tunnels, all decorated for the festive season.

Designed as a self-guided walk, guests stroll through the property’s grounds while enjoying the spectacular decorations and outdoor lighting displays in a safe environment.

All current safety protocols in place:  Guest Screening/Contact Tracing, Physical Distancing, Masks/Face Coverings Required.

The Holiday Light Tour is not included with Casa Loma general admission.

Tickets: $35 Per Person

Tickets are date and time specific.

Please note: The entrance for the Holiday Light Tour is on the south west corner of the property at Davenport Rd. and Walmer Rd. This event is primarily outdoors and requires walking approx. 2km, including various sets of stairs.

Admission does not include access to tour inside Casa Loma.

Casa Loma’s Holiday Light Tour

December 3rd, 2020 – January 3rd, 2021 (including Christmas Day, December 25th)

Opens at 4pm Daily

This December experience the magic of the season at Casa Loma’s spectacular Holiday Light Tour. Wander through a dazzling lighting display in the gardens and tunnels, all decorated for the festive season.

Designed as a self-guided walk, guests stroll through the property’s grounds while enjoying the spectacular decorations and outdoor lighting displays in a safe environment.

All current safety protocols in place:  Guest Screening/Contact Tracing, Physical Distancing, Masks/Face Coverings Required.

The Holiday Light Tour is not included with Casa Loma general admission.

Tickets: $35 Per Person

Tickets are date and time specific.

Please note: The entrance for the Holiday Light Tour is on the south west corner of the property at Davenport Rd. and Walmer Rd. This event is primarily outdoors and requires walking approx. 2km, including various sets of stairs.

Admission does not include access to tour inside Casa Loma.


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