Imagine Dragons Light Forest

Click Here for Virtual Experience
In-Person Experience Coming Soon

Travel to a fairy-tale castle and an era of dragons and adventure with Imagine Dragons – Light Forest at Casa Loma at night. Imagine Dragons will feature a dazzling lighting display and immersive theatrical Medieval display throughout the gardens, tunnels and stables of the historic castle. Multiple exciting and interactive theatrical performances along the route including knights in battle, archery and woodland fairies are guaranteed to take you back in time to a bygone era. Designed as a self-guided walk along a 2 km trail guests may stroll through the property’s grounds at their own pace while enjoying the immersive displays that rival that of any childhood imagination.  All current safety protocols in place:  Guest Screening/Contact Tracing, Physical Distancing, Masks/Face Coverings Required. Imagine Dragons – Light Forest is not included with Casa Loma general admission. 

Light Forest Tour $35 Per Person
Light Forest Tour Premium w/ Hot Chocolate + Cookie $43 Per Person
Tickets are date and time-specific. Admission does not include access to tour inside Casa Loma.

Please note: The entrance is on the south west corner of the property at Davenport Rd. and Walmer Rd. This event is primarily outdoors and requires walking approx. 2km, including various sets of stairs.
This is a rain or shine event, with the exception of severe weather.

Imagine Dragons Light Forest

Click Here for Virtual Experience
In-Person Experience Coming Soon

Travel to a fairy-tale castle and an era of dragons and adventure with Imagine Dragons – Light Forest at Casa Loma at night. Imagine Dragons will feature a dazzling lighting display and immersive theatrical Medieval display throughout the gardens, tunnels and stables of the historic castle. Multiple exciting and interactive theatrical performances along the route including knights in battle, archery and woodland fairies are guaranteed to take you back in time to a bygone era. Designed as a self-guided walk along a 2 km trail guests may stroll through the property’s grounds at their own pace while enjoying the immersive displays that rival that of any childhood imagination.  All current safety protocols in place:  Guest Screening/Contact Tracing, Physical Distancing, Masks/Face Coverings Required. Imagine Dragons – Light Forest is not included with Casa Loma general admission. 

Light Forest Tour $35 Per Person
Light Forest Tour Premium w/ Hot Chocolate + Cookie $43 Per Person
Tickets are date and time-specific. Admission does not include access to tour inside Casa Loma.

Please note: The entrance is on the south west corner of the property at Davenport Rd. and Walmer Rd. This event is primarily outdoors and requires walking approx. 2km, including various sets of stairs.
This is a rain or shine event, with the exception of severe weather.

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